ICON Leather Conservation Workshop

Taught by Loredana Mannina / London, UK / December 2022

This three-day workshop covered conservation techniques for leather and skin artefacts, with a focus on suitable and effective remedial treatments. Lectures covered leather manufacturing history, zooarchaeology by mass spectrometry, and various treatment materials and application methods.  These lectures were paired with hands-on sessions in which we experimented with materials and techniques available within leather conservation.

  • understanding leather, origin, and evolution of the manufacturing process  - an overview of the origin, chemistry and structure of skin and leather processes. 

  • Leather degradation processes and remedial treatment options for conservation:

    • Main degradation processes and risk factors for skin and leather objects

    • Conservation techniques, risk factors, and considerations

    • Cleaning materials and adhesives, including preparation and application methods

  • Leather ID and other scientific analysis to identify the materials and techniques of leather objects and to determine their conservation state

  • Preventive measures for skin and leather collections, including preparing hide and skin materials for storage, suitable archival materials, and housekeeping techniques

  • Practical sessions on: 

    • Various decorative techniques: embossing, engraving, cuir bouilli, gilding, painting, cimatura, openwork

    • Humidification and safe shape recovery

    • Consolidation techniques

    • Dry cleaning and wet cleaning

    • Repair techniques and materials

  • Documentation and condition report writing with a specific leather conservation glossary


Ligatus Summer School 2022